Influencers, sports & entertainers


The value and reach of social media platforms has become significant.

Celebrities use their social media accounts to promote, clothing, beauty and other luxury brands (to name but a few).

This form of marketing now has a significant reach with the most popular celebrities on Instagram having 100’s of millions of followers.

‘Influencers’ can also use their social media accounts to generate income.  Their followers will often use the products or services that are ‘recommended’ in their social media posts.

Brands increasingly turn to influencers, rather than relying on traditional marketing, to help promote their products. As such, they will pay substantial amounts to influencers to create relevant posts.

Andy has helped a number of influencers using different channels to make a living. This includes identifying the correct treatment and also structuring their affairs such that they are as efficient for tax purposes as possible. This includes advising influencers who are internationally mobile.

Sports & Entertainment

Andy is happy to take instructions and provide tax advice for clients involved in sport. For example, F1 drivers, golfers, tennis players, boxers and footballers

Andy would also be delighted to take advice for entertainers and music clients.

He will provide tax advice can be provided to sports and entertainment clients in some of the following areas:

  • Residence and Domicile issues
  • Image right structures
  • Acquisition of high value assets
  • Building businesses and other commercial ventures outside of their careers
  • Disputes with HMRC
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